Meet QLU - your recruitment assistant from the future

Completely automate research, sourcing, and all your other recruiting bottlenecks. Focus on your client and high touch candidates.

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By submitting this form, you will join our waitlist to get early access to QLU. When you’re selected, we will reach out to you with access to QLU.

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Source fast - on autopilot

Humans are not designed to do tedious boring tasks. Qlu handles them for you while you use your time on more high-priority, high-impact tasks

Setup your search in 3 quick steps


Job Description

Start with telling Qlu about the most important details like role responsibilities, duties, and eligibility criteria. Qlu intelligently reads through the job description and identifies all the important stuff - so you don’t have to.


Best Fits

Enter profiles that make the best fits for this role, so Qlu can find profiles that resemble them. Qlu reads through and understands what’s important in all best fits’ profiles, and fetches you profiles that have the same roles, areas of expertise, skills, and companies.



Explore competitive landscape. View companies similar to your hiring company, and smartly select the companies you want to hire from by viewing their details like what they do, their industry, sub-industries, and size.

Perform deeper searches

We have a talent pool of 800M+ propsects that enhances discovery process by 20x. Qlu finds candidates with relevant niches and skills that accurately match your descriptions. It smartly discovers all exceptional profiles that you might miss otherwise.

Reduce Screening Time

Qlu filters the prospects so that you don’t have to and give you each calibration list in under 5 minutes. Make yourself efficient & productive and stay ahead of your competition.

Intelligently Automate Followups

Around 68% of deals are lost because recruiters fail to follow-up on the prospect. Qlu enables you to schedule multi-channel and multi-recipient campaigns so that you dont miss out on any of your exceptional candidates.

Hire as a Team

Use Qlu’s tribe feature to calibrate your search with instant direct feedback from your entire team. Comment on profiles and reach out as a team.

Maximize Outreach Conversion

Qlu analyzes the tone and health of your messages in real time so you can personalize them for each prospect. It enables you to write the most effective messages so you get 10x responses from the prospects. You also see the conversion metrics of each campaign and follow-ups to keep a tab on conversion.

Source 8X Faster

Make QLU your recruiting partner today to source faster, find hidden talent and deliver candidates smoothly

Join the QLU waitlist

By submitting this form, you will join our waitlist to get early access to QLU. When you’re selected, we will reach out to you with access to QLU.